Our philosophy
We share the idea that the human being has to be treated as a whole. To be able to be in
constant change and transformation is important to know each other. We defend the importance of working on these
pillars alike in order to truly push for change.
Another of our philosophies is that we defend the importance of recovering certain habits and returning to
our origins as human beings. Practices such as mindful fasting, meditation, exercise
physical and contact with nature, are actions that forge us as a human species throughout
our history and evolution.
Nika Bernaus
Nika Bernaus' goal is to create a community of active people with healthy lifestyle habits, and
We achieve this community by working as a team. Teamwork is essential to be able to
grow, both professionally and personally.
The magic of this work team lies in the energy and affection with which they participate in this new
project, in addition to being made up of multidisciplinary professional profiles. People with the same
values, and united in a work philosophy in which we defend and press for the idea that a
individual must be treated as a whole, people who seek and find balance and harmony through
through emotional, physical, nutritional and spiritual care.